So it has been brought to my attention that someone posted the coordinates to every key in the hunt. In response a lot of the designers are moving their keys to a new location. We will be updating both blogs as soon as possible. It will take a little time due to the time changes so please be patient. In the meantime please help each other guys have been really awesome and we appreciate you :)
Key 1: Urban Dysfunction : *(female) Are you feeling lucky PUNK!. *(male) Check the stairway to heaven
contents of gift (female) : Flip flops and outfit
Key 2: Naeko :
*1 Outside....Under the Dark....there is always need for light... So read the sign!
contents of gift: A funky green cannon
*2 He knows when I am online, he is cute and small...
contents of gift: Neko ears and Tail
*3 Comfy and green...
contents of gift: Neko legwarms and paw pads
Key 3 : Fukmi : Take a rest, and try a little daydreaming. The key may be found this way.
contents of gift: Full female outfit with Sandals, capris, blouse and shirt.
Key 4: Lacie Cakes : All of this hunting is making me hungry - those LacieCakes CupCakes sure look good enough to eat.
contents of gift: Key Necklace with bling.
Key 5 : [42] : Don't you hate it when people leave things on the floor, especially when its near the door.
contents of gift: Skins and jewellry
Key 6 : Tyranny Designs : People leaving things on the floor, how rude! Good job the floor display keeps it shielded.
contents of gift: Skins a nd Kick me sign
Key 6b: WWI : Head up in the world and see your prize dangled before your very nose.
contents of gift: Jumpsuit bra and Panties set.
Key 7: Pretties by JB : If the shoe fits buy in in 8 different colours cause that how us ladies roll :P
contents of gift: Shoes
Key 8 : Sea Hole :
Key 1: Look upstairs, perch on a ledge, take a moment to look around.
contents of the gift: Jacket
Key 2: Ok i'm tired again, time to sit under a tree and relax, inside trees, why do they exist?
contents of gift: Shirt and pants outfit
Key 9 : U & R Dogs : Keep your eyes open when looking at all the jewellry. This key must be made of glue, sticking like that.
contents of gift: Bracelet and Earring Set.
Key 10: Magika : I fancy a change from this outfit, let me slip into something else.
contents of gift: hair
Key 11 : BOOF : So simple your not getting a clue
contents of gift: Belt and accessories
Key 12: FROP : You feeling Lucky??
contents of gift: Earrings, flip flops and outfit
Key 13 : Petal Meg : I need to make use of these keys, prehaps something to hang things on?
contents of gift: Pendant and earrings
Key 14 : LiquidCandy : Nom nom nom This is so bad for my health but i Just can't resist
contents of gift: furnished skybox and lots of furniture and fun items.
Key 15 : EMA's : Sit and relax by the fire
contents of gift: Dress
Key 16 : Rave Nation : I love wedged flip flop things, they are fab don't you think!
contents of gift: Skin and Dress
Key 17 : Mudhoney Designs : It's a gift
contents of gift: Vintage Trunk
Key 18 : AIMESI design : Don't stray from the door and you won't go wrong.
contents of gift: Beanbag, dress and shoes
Key 19 : Angel Dessous : Its straightforward!
contents of gift: Lingerie
Key 20: Atomic : (fem) Take a seat, check out the skins. (male) Check the desk, be studious, careful of the signs hiding it.
contents of gift: Skins
Key 21 : Stuff : I love hunting, in hotpants and knee high socks :)
contents of gift: Shoes, hair and outfit
Key 22 : Chicaholic : Head to the right store, then admire the till (cash register for you yanks) area, look in boxes, it may be hiding.
contents of gift: Denim outfit
Key 23 : Trinity Moon Designs : I hate it when they dangle things in your face, tormenting you,
contents of gift: Necklaces
Key 24 : Self Expression: Don't fear the Reaper, he's nice really, looks after keys very well, but wants your soul!
Contents of gift: Sex Rug
Key 25 : CnS : Pulled Out of the hunt..move on to Deviant Designs
Key 26: Deviant Designs: Behold the giant shoe! The Key is up on high, climb to get a better view.
contents of gift: Shoes
Key 27: Heart and Sole : Shoe chairs are comfortable to sit on
contents of gift: Shoes
Key 28 : Acid and Mala : Take a strole up in the world then take a seat on the sofa, catch your breath.
contents of the gift : Urban outfit.
Key 29 : NUSHRU : Subscribe to me!
Contents of the gift: Whole Outfit
Key 30: DYN : These "funky" dungarees/overalls and hoodies are so nice looking, not far from those funky jeans with a leg missing, perhaps the dungaries can lend a leg!
contents of the gift: Dress
Key 31: NAIVE: Hoodies and shorts, they keep it safe.
Contents of the gift: Selection of clothing
Key 32 : Genesis : Illuminating Key, look up.
contents of the gift: Watches
Key 33 : Urban Outfitters : Pulled out of the hunt, there is no key, move on to 34
Key 34 : mouse*trap : These boots were made for walking, and thats just what they'll do... One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you!
Contents of the gift : Whole outfit with shoes
Key 35 : NSD : Ugg.... these boots are rocking it! Keys feel safer up not down.
Contents of the gift : Grenade chain
Key 36 : Cuppycake : Don't you love cup cakes, nom nom.
Contents inside the gift: Beach outfit.
Key 37 : Sassy Kitty Designs : Demon cat holds the answers.
contents of the gift: Denim Dress
Key 38: Catnip : Alices garden party is starting, tea time for two has some treasure for you.
Contents of the gift : Random items.
Key 39 : LINE : Rob the till (cash register)!
Contents givenin gift : Belt, jewellry and outfit
Key 40: BOOM : This ones hard, so more direct instruction, back left of the store, its shelved but make sure you cam well or you will never find it.
Contents in the gift: Dress
Key 41 : 4eva Guttia : This key has lots of stytle, subscribe to it!
Contents of the gift: Full outfit
Key 42 : Unzipped : Check the crouching man, he holds what your looking for.
Contents of the gift: Outfit
Key 43: Shinji Accessories : Check behind upstairs displays
Contents of the gift: Sneakers
Key 44: Cipria Couture: Make sure you have your pass on, if not well, you need 200L
Contents of the gift: Full outfit
Key 45: Humby Designs : Bunny death, its painful and seems to render keys!
Contents of the gift: Cap
Key 46: Fear and Clothing : The Lucky chair can see your prize but can you?
Contents of the gift: Necklace and outfit
Key 47: Princess Gear: Hung up, as you would with any key, store side of the doors
Contents of the gift: Doll Key
Key 48: Virus Co. : Sit and watch the TV
Contents of the Gift: Boots
Key 49 : Juice : Everyone loves cereal, even keys
Contents of the Gift: Outfit
Key 50: Rasetsukoku : *click* goes the lock, but why so small, i need alices magic potion!
Contents of Gift: Outfit
Key 50B : Luxory Lounge... Im not giving a LM to this as you can work for it!
NOTE Make sure you wear the golden pass from the 50b folder
Content of final gifts (there are several): Not telling :P
Sunday, May 10, 2009
UPDATE: Cheaters
Posted by Keys to the VIP Gridwide Hunt at 8:43 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
The following hints have been provided by Maleficent Benoir from Thank you Mal!!!
Key 1: Urban Dysfunction : *(female)A mannequin keeps it safe for you. *(male) take your shoes off at the door
contents of gift (female) : Flip flops and outfit
Key 2: Naeko :
*1 Do you have a lot of time on your hands?
contents of gift: A funky green cannon
*2 I require assistance finding this key, wheres the help desk? Maybe the VIP stairs are close by!
contents of gift: Neko ears and Tail
*3 Embrace the purple and unlock the door.
contents of gift: Neko legwarms and paw pads
Key 3 : Fukmi : This store is very light. I think you will agree.
contents of gift: Full female outfit with Sandals, capris, blouse and shirt.
Key 4: Lacie Cakes : It's summer, lets all sit under the tree and relax for a moment.
contents of gift: Key Necklace with bling.
Key 5 : [42] : Don't you hate it when people leave things on the floor, especially when its near the door.
contents of gift: Skins and jewellry
Key 6 : Tyranny Designs : People leaving things on the floor, how rude! Good job the floor display keeps it shielded.
contents of gift: Skins a nd Kick me sign
Key 6b: WWI : Head up in the world and see your prize dangled before your very nose.
contents of gift: Jumpsuit bra and Panties set.
Key 7: Pretties by JB : Look where a customer usually never would, your in an employees only area
contents of gift: Shoes
Key 8 : Sea Hole :
Key 1: Look upstairs, perch on a ledge, take a moment to look around.
contents of the gift: Jacket
Key 2: Ok i'm tired again, time to sit under a tree and relax, inside trees, why do they exist?
contents of gift: Shirt and pants outfit
Key 9 : U & R Dogs : It's on display here, so keep your eyes open when looking at all the jewellry.
contents of gift: Bracelet and Earring Set.
Key 10: Magika : I fancy a change from this outfit, let me slip into something else.
contents of gift: hair
Key 11 : BOOF : So simple your not getting a clue
contents of gift: Belt and accessories
Key 12: FROP : You feeling Lucky??
contents of gift: Earrings, flip flops and outfit
Key 13 : Petal Meg : Can you hear the sound of the wind outside?
contents of gift: Pendant and earrings
Key 14 : LiquidCandy : It's nice to be outside with the nice flowers and the skulls isn't it?
contents of gift: furnished skybox and lots of furniture and fun items.
Key 15 : EMA's : Sit and relax by the fire
contents of gift: Dress
Key 16 : Rave Nation : I love wedged flip flop things, they are fab don't you think!
contents of gift: Skin and Dress
Key 17 : Mudhoney Designs : It's a gift
contents of gift: Vintage Trunk
Key 18 : AIMESI design : Don't stray from the door and you won't go wrong.
contents of gift: Beanbag, dress and shoes
Key 19 : Angel Dessous : Its straightforward!
contents of gift: Lingerie
Key 20: Atomic : (fem) Take a seat, check out the skins. (male) Check the desk, be studious, careful of the signs hiding it.
contents of gift: Skins
Key 21 : Stuff : I love hunting, in hotpants and knee high socks :)
contents of gift: Shoes, hair and outfit
Key 22 : Chicaholic : Head to the right store, then admire the till (cash register for you yanks) area, look in boxes, it may be hiding.
contents of gift: Denim outfit
Key 23 : Trinity Moon Designs : I hate it when they dangle things in your face, tormenting you,
contents of gift: Necklaces
Key 24 : Self Expression: Don't you just love silky smooth skin? Shane does! He lives on the second floor but he has camoflaged his key well to blend with the wall.
Contents of gift: Sex Rug
Key 25 : CnS : Pulled Out of the hunt..move on to Deviant Designs
Key 26: Deviant Designs: Behold the giant shoe!
contents of gift: Shoes
Key 27: Heart and Sole : Shoe chairs are comfortable to sit on
contents of gift: Shoes
Key 28 : Acid and Mala : Take a strole up in the world then take a seat on the sofa, catch your breath.
contents of the gift : Urban outfit.
Key 29 : NUSHRU : Subscribe to me!
Contents of the gift: Whole Outfit
Key 30: DYN : Legless jeans, omg, snazzy!! Pants missing a leg ?Would you call them pant/shorts, ports or shants? I think the key fell from the jeans pocket *clang*, its what happens when you cut the leg off of a pair of jeans.
contents of the gift: Dress
Key 31: NAIVE: Hoodies and shorts, they keep it safe.
Contents of the gift: Selection of clothing
Key 32 : Genesis : Illuminating Key, look up.
contents of the gift: Watches
Key 33 : Urban Outfitters : Pulled out of the hunt, there is no key, move on to 34
Key 34 : mouse*trap : Time to get changed again out of these clothes
Contents of the gift : Whole outfit with shoes
Key 35 : NSD : Wow crazy colour changing walls make me trippy!! Try the second floor!
Contents of the gift : Grenade chain
Key 36 : Cuppycake : Don't you love cup cakes, nom nom.
Contents inside the gift: Beach outfit.
Key 37 : Sassy Kitty Designs : Demon cat holds the answers.
contents of the gift: Denim Dress
Key 38: Catnip : The goblin doors hold the answers, make sure you pick the correct one. When you fall don't hurt yourself, you need to search the bogs below.
Contents of the gift : Random items.
Key 39 : LINE : Rob the till (cash register)!
Contents givenin gift : Belt, jewellry and outfit
Key 40: BOOM : This ones hard, so more direct instruction, back left of the store, its shelved but make sure you cam well or you will never find it.
Contents in the gift: Dress
Key 41 : 4eva Guttia : Ghostbusters will help you find it, with a little help from a pot plant!
Contents of the gift: Full outfit
Key 42 : Unzipped : Check on the pipes in the main area, 4 buff men guard it well.
Contents of the gift: Outfit
Key 43: Shinji Accessories : Check behind upstairs displays
Contents of the gift: Sneakers
Key 44: Cipria Couture : Medusa protects her key, you will have to fight her snakes for it
Contents of the gift: Full outfit
Key 45: Humby Designs : Laid out nice and neat, on the table for you.
Contents of the gift: Cap
Key 46: Fear and Clothing : Behind a display, check out the lovely necklaces towards the back left of the store.
Contents of the gift: Necklace and outfit
Key 47: Princess Gear: Hung up, as you would with any key, store side of the doors
Contents of the gift: Doll Key
Key 48: Virus Co. : Sit and watch the TV
Contents of the Gift: Boots
Key 49 : Juice : Everyone loves cerial, even keys
Contents of the Gift: Outfit
Key 50: Rasetsukoku : Golden keys make fabulous stirring spoons!
Contents of Gift: Outfit
Key 50B : Luxory Lounge... Im not giving a LM to this as you can work for it!
NOTE Make sure you wear the golden pass from the 50b folder
Content of final gifts (there are several): Not telling :P
Posted by Keys to the VIP Gridwide Hunt at 6:22 PM 0 comments
CnS Emotion and Urban Outfitters are no longer a part of the hunt. I appologize for the confustion and will have it all squared away ASAP :)
Location #26: Deviant Designs
Location # Mouse*Trap
If you have any problems, you know what to do ;) Happy Hunting!!
Posted by Keys to the VIP Gridwide Hunt at 8:36 AM 0 comments
Here are the hints we have so far. I will update this as we get more from the designers:
(these are not in order of the hunt as I don't have hints for every location yet)
Catnip: Check out the sewer and everything will be peachy
Ema's: If you drink this extremely strong drink you will see green fairies :). Look for the absinthe and you will find the key.
Fukmi Clothing: Fukmi hopes the individuals in the hunt will find her shop illuminating.
Naeko: Key #1 : "This thing runs but cannot walk, sometimes sings but never talks. Lacks arms, has hands; lacks a head but has a face."
Key #2: "A place where people can leave public messages."
Key #3: "Knock, knock!" "Who's there?"
Princess Gear: Hung like a jailors key, just inside the shop
Sassy Kitty: Find the resting Kitty xD
Trinity Moon Designs: Take time to admire the chandelier and all the dangly things on it.
U&R Dogs: The key is somewhere at accessory department.
MudHoney Designs: look around the gift boxes
Cipria Couture:
The three Gorgon sisters ..........Near them their sisters three, the Gorgons, winged
With ....... for hair— hated of mortal man—
...All they want is to see me sweat.
They only want to touch my face
and run their fingers through my . . .
my hair
is it moving?
I will post more as I get them from the designers. And if you can help a fellow hunter out please do so :) We are all hunting to have fun
I will also work on getting everyone a list of which locations have more than one key so that you know exactly how many keys you are looking for.
Happy Hunting!!!
<3 Kenz
Posted by Keys to the VIP Gridwide Hunt at 2:25 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Great News !!! MudHoney Designs and WWI !!
It is with great pleasure that I announce some last minute news! We have two new locations to introduce to the hunt. To begin, we have Mudhoney Designs joining us!From the bedroom to the living room MudHoney brings beautiful furniture and decor. No matter your tastes, no matter your venue, you will always find a new item to make your home complete. Whether looking for a touch of class, or a fresh new idea, MudHoney Designs will be the place to find it.
Next to the plate we have our bonus location! I'm proud to welcome World Wide Industries into the hunt! WWI is one of those designers that needs no introduction. If you're one of the few that don't know, don't worry you soon will and you won't be dissappointed.
Once again, I'd like to welcome MudHoney Designs and World Wide Industries to the hunt and I can't wait to see you all out there come Friday!
Posted by Keys to the VIP Gridwide Hunt at 2:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Sneak Peek number eight is brought to you by Kinu Mayako and Bravo Nishi of Sassy Kitty Designs.
Their products are NOT just for neko's so don't let the name fool you. Sassy Kitty Designs has a wide range of products including a full menswear line, skins, neko parts, ladies fashion, skins, you name it!
When I talked to Kinu this is what she had to say:
1. Give me a quick description of your brand.
"Tempting to be a Neko store but not only, for women and men, and affordable for everyone."
2. How and when did you first start designing?
"Started one year ago, april 2008 already :) with few tops and then it grew with the support of my man and my friends."
3. How would you describe your style?
"Urban casual sexy and cute :P"
4. Who do you look up to in the designer world?
"There are many, this very hard to choose as i love shopping, but i would say AVZ that always amazes me."
5. Anything else you wanna include (ie. sales coming up, specials, etc.)
"Planning to do a sale soon ;) and more tails and gears coming up. Anyway i try to do releases every week."
With no further ado...I can't WAIT for this one :D The mens outfit looks hot!
Posted by Keys to the VIP Gridwide Hunt at 11:24 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Sneak Peek #7 - Liquid Candy
Here we are with sneak peek number seven! We are less than a week away now!!
This time we're coming at you with Liquid Candy, brought to you by Allias Nightfire. It's all about colour at Liquid Candy and its got it abound. You name it, you can probably find it in all sorts of colours. It's always fun to hop on over and take a look at what's new, whether you're out for clothing or just something cool.
Heres what Allias had to say to me:
Give me a quick description of your brand.
"Fun colorful accessories and odds and ends, clothes, shapes, skins, eyes, hair, glasses, anything goes."
How and when did you first start designing?
"I started when i wanted a shirt with the british flag on it in honor of my boss and could not find one i liked so i made it."
How would you describe your style?
"Ecclectic i am different everyday."
Who do you look up to in the designer world?
"Alot of people, Damon Dollinger and Ivey Deschanel are two of my favorite designer people along with babyhoney bailey and aranel ah."
Anything else you wanna include (ie. sales coming up, specials, etc.)
"Soon to come are more posing props and poses along with maybe some new accessories and hats."
You’re not just seeing things in these pics, this here be a skybox for your key finding enjoyment. Not just for the key finding irony, this crib brings you the VIP luxury with your very own Austin Powers inspired shag pad!
Posted by Keys to the VIP Gridwide Hunt at 2:55 PM 0 comments
Sneak Peek #6 Heart & Sole AND Magika
For Sneak Peek number six we got ourselves a double hitter. It's not often that designers create matching gifts for hunts but that is just what we have here.
Give me a quick description of your brand.
"Heart & Sole is a shoe and boot store for men and women, featuring all different styles, from goth to high fashion, grungy boots to sandals with feet and toes!"
How and when did you first start designing?
"I started building last September, and I love shoes in RL, so the natural thing for me to make here, was shoes! I design jewelry in RL so this is a nice change to do shoes here."
How would you describe your style?
"Hmmm I change my style constantly, and that also goes for my designs. I like all styles, so it is fun to change around!"
Who do you look up to in the designer world?
"Sabina Gully and Niennra Kitsune, the owners/designers of Magika. They have made such an amazing store, their business is a huge success."
Anything else, any upcoming sales?
"Currently, I am offering a shoe that matches a dress Magika just released, both are called Curtain Call. We designed these to go together with the same textures. I also have a free shoe offered for the month, if you join my subscribe o matic, you get a pink high heel sandal with feets!"
As I mentioned before, while amazing as a stand-alone product, this gift is a puzzle piece waiting to be joined by our next designer:

With Magika you can always count on walking out with a beautiful new look and I had the chance to sit down and ask them a couple questions:
Give me a quick description of your brand.
"Magika sells hair, clothes and accessories : ) We've been active since.. I dunno, almost 3 years ago, but under different names : )"
How and when did you first start designing?
"Ooh, I think it was about 3 years ago. Sabina Gully was a little ahead of me tho : )"
How would you describe your style?
"Sabina does perfect things, theres never a strand of hair wrong, me on the other hand.. haha, more chaos : ) We have things ranged from gothy and crazy to normal everyday hair and clothes : )"
Who do you look up to in the designer world?
"Wow, another hard one. Many! ; )"
Anything else, any upcoming sales?
"The Fashion Section of Magika has just opened a scond location at Fusion Crossing : ) Theres an exclusive freebie there and a top that is exclusive to that location :) "
With this beautiful hair how can anyone ever say 'no' ;P Combined with Heart & Sole's shoes, these gifts will give any man's stomach its own 'flutter' at first sight!
Here they are folks....the gawjus shoe and hair combo:

Posted by Keys to the VIP Gridwide Hunt at 2:50 PM 0 comments
Sneak Peek #5
And out comes the fifth sneak peek from the oh-so addictive Catnip, courtesy of the brilliant Akasha Wachmann! This designer has a knack for the obscure, from belts all the way to my favourite narcolepsy helmet. Whatever your taste you will find something hilariously fun amongst Catnip's wares.
Be sure to swing by Catnips new location at : !!!
I got in touch with Akasha just to see what she had to say:
Give me a quick description of your brand.
"Well it started out as Neko products and morphed into whatever weird things came into my head. Everything has a grungy undertone-- Belts, boots, hybrid gear, ears, tails, backpacks--just about everything xD"
How and when did you first start designing?
"I still feel weird about calling it designing, I just like to build weird stuff to play with and other people seem to enjoy it as well. I guess I started about a year and a half ago but I dont have a hard date."
How would you describe your style?
"Grungy, dirty, sick and twisted."
Who do you look up to in the designer world?
"As far as builders go, I've always had a crush on eko's (blitzed) and Monogrind's primwork. Very detailed!"
Anything else, any upcoming sales?
"No specific sales, my stuff is pretty cheap all the time and I put a few new things out weekly--so come on by! Always something new and fun to play with ^.^"
I gotta say this gift is bad-ass... Not only does it look sexy tied up on your thigh but its also scripted! That's right you can whip it out and jot down those dirty little notes in this exclusive diary!
Posted by Keys to the VIP Gridwide Hunt at 2:49 PM 0 comments
Sneak Peek #4
For the Neko in all of us, we got Naeko for sneak peek number four! This one's important folks so pay attention. Naeko, wonderfully designed by Aeryn Tuqiri, is giving out THREE individual gifts. That's right, three different gifts to find. Not to be intimidated, you don't HAVE to find all three to move on to the next landmark as each key holds the next LM, but with products this cool who wouldn't want to find all of them!
Naeko is designed primarily for Neko's, though you can always find at least one thing to your liking. These products are always full of light and so awesome that its hard to take your eyes off them. As by now you've probably come to expect, here's some quick info about Naeko:
Give me a quick description of your brand.
"Naeko products are designed mainly for Nekos, with a diverse selection of Tail&Ears sets, all kind of accessories and we even got some furniture."
How and when did you first start designing?
"After many years of creating and customizing my Avatar, I decided to give it a try and start my own store, Naeko. My first store was founded on July 2008, right now, after creating 4 different Mainstores, I believe I found Naeko's real look, a Wacky place with the things I love the most in it."
How would you describe your style?
"Strange, elegant, simple and cute."
Who do you look up to in the designer world?
"DarkLour Watanabe was the first designer I admired, always loved his detailed work. Last year I met another amazing designer, Mega Waffle, he spent lot of time creating all kind of strange things, really good with manipulating prims and get amazing shapes from them, nowadays he is my soul mate and partner in crime. After getting into the business world I have been meeting all kind of artists, and each one helped me with innovative ideas."
Anything else you wanna include (ie. sales coming up, specials, etc.)
"Soon to come, "Goggles! for everyone""
Yup, you're not seeing things, there be five gifts on display here. Personally, I can't wait to find each and every key at Naeko's and I look forward to seeing you all there with me!
Posted by Keys to the VIP Gridwide Hunt at 2:25 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Sneak Peek #3
Our third sneak peek comes to you from the talented and super sweet Lacie Chambers. The tiny prim goddess behind Lacie Cakes.
Before I even get into how amazing her gifts are I have to say a few words about her quality. She does not skimp on the details. Every single part of her work is top knotch. If any of you have worked with tiny prims you know how frustrating they can be so my hat is off to her for creating such gorgeous detailed items.
When I talked to Lacie about Lacie Cakes this is what she had to say:
"I have to laugh because when I think about my store I can remember telling someone that I would *never* build because I thought I didn't have the patience for it. This is one of the rare times that I will happily admit I was wrong!
The name "LacieCakes" emerged as a nickname given to me by one of my friends. I've always been a happy/bubbly sort of person and the name reflects that. So, if someone were to ask me what "theme" I have for my store, I would simply have to answer "fluffy" lol. The name goes hand in hand with my style.
I have items that can appeal to everyone, men, women & kids, with a variety of styles from classic, traditional, contemporary, trendy, romantic, formal, casual, timeless, gothic, punk to just plain fun! I could go on and on and write a book but it's probably just easier to explore the store for yourself.
What it comes down to is even though it's hard work, I love what I'm doing and I'm having fun with it. I just hope that other people can see it and appreciate it too. If I accomplish that goal then that's what keeps me going at the end of the day. :) That and I also have always had a lot of support from my very close friends and family, I can't thank them enough for it!
.:: Exclusive gifts for the hunt ::.
Inspired by the hunts name - I offer you KEYS! XD"
I am SO excited about this gift. I have a thing for skeleton keys and have not been able to find a necklace that quite fits the style I am looking for until now!
Stay tuned for the next sneak peek! We are getting closer to the start date so they will be coming more frequently now!!!
Posted by Keys to the VIP Gridwide Hunt at 9:53 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sneak Peek #2 - .::STUFF::.
Our second Sneak Peek comes to you courtesy of the amazing and talented Mrs. Zoey Gabardini from .::STUFF::.
Her designs are described as modern and trendy with a hint of bohemian, and a punk twist at times. She is not lacking in the quality department by ANY means and her designs are original and fun.
I asked Mrs. Gabardini a few questions about her store and this is what she had to say:
1. Give me a quick description of ::STUFF::
Hair, Clothing, and Shoes that fit every kind of style!
2. How and when did you first start designing?
I started designing almost a year ago. It all started because I owned a club, which is now closed down, and I wanted to make t-shirts for the club, and it all just went from there!
3. How would you describe your style?
Modern and trendy with a hint of bohemian, and a punk twist at times.
4. Who do you look up to in the designer world? There are so many people the list would go on for ages! Here in second life I admire anybody who works with sculpties on all of their creations, some of their work really amazes me. And just to name one imparticular I would say cocoro Lemon. Her jackets are unbelievable!
5. Anything else you wanna include (ie. sales coming up, specials, etc.) I always try to have sales or something special going on! Currently all hair in the store is priced at 50L. All new hair that will be put out will be completely different and retextured, so due to that all hair currently sold in the store is on sale!
With no further ado I present to you the second sneak peek gift from .::STUFF::.
Please note that this gift includes everything shown!! Dress, stockings, sculpted leather pumps, gloves and the VIP Hair FAT PACK!
Bravo Zoey, this gift is amazing! Thank you for your hard work!
Go check out .::STUFF::. here:
Posted by Keys to the VIP Gridwide Hunt at 4:17 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
SNEAK PEEK #1 - Atomic!
Originally named Atomic Kitty and known for it's neko accessories. Atomic now offers a wide range of styles and fashions along with a new line of male and female skins. They are constantly working to bring creative, quality work to each and every customer.
The first time I went to Atomic I was completely starstruck. The quality and originality of the products is out of this world. A friend and I went looking for a pair of neko ears and surprisingly we were having a hard time finding more masculine looking neko ears. As soon as we walked into Atomic he was in ear heaven hahaha. And NOT just Neko ears. You name it, Atomic has it.
And I don't know about you all but lately I am a skinaholic. I'm tired of the over priced bland boring skins you find in most places these days. I want variety and I want something "special". If that's your thing too..Atomic is the place to go.
I also have to mention the quality here. This is not your run of the mill business in a box store. Every single item has high quality textures, high quality builds, etc. Atomic is not just for Neko''s for everyone!
Here's a perfect example of what I have been saying. The amazing Mrs. Ivy Graves has been kind enough to make this set of skins specially for the Keys to the VIP Hunt!
This set alone pays for the VIP Pass EASILY!
Get down to Atomic and check it out. I am absolutely positive you will love it as much as I do.
She just opened the new store and it is stunning. Here's the SLURL:
Stay tuned for the next Sneak Peak coming to you soon!!
Posted by Keys to the VIP Gridwide Hunt at 2:45 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
VIP Pass Vendors are up!!!
Great news! The list of designers is locked in and the VIP Pass vendors are set up all over the grid so get down to one of the locations and pick up your pass to join the hunt.
All you need to do is port to one of the locations listed below, purchase your pass, then on May 8th you throw on your VIP Pass and hunt away!
I will be posting exclusive sneak peeks of the gifts included in the hunt so keep checking back here for more updates! You are going to LOVE the gifts.
UD Main:
Cipria Couture:
The Sea Hole:
CnS e-Motion
UD Vapor:
Shit Luck
Fear and Clothing:
Liquid Candy:
Angel Dessous:
Lacie Cakes:
Rave Nation:
Heart and Sole:
Heart and Sole Fusion Crossing:
The price has been set at $L200 which is a steal considering how many high quality gifts are involved in this hunt. Check back in the next few days for the first sneak peek!!!
Happy Hunting!
Posted by Keys to the VIP Gridwide Hunt at 6:23 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
- The Designers will be asked to create an exclusive male and female (if possible) gift, that will only be available for the duration of the hunt.
- The Hunters are required to pay a one-time entry fee for participation in the Hunt.
- Only those who have paid the entry fee will be able to receive the gifts. So cheaters will not prosper and real fashion enthusiasts will not be bored and annoyed by yet another junk freebie.
- At each location the Hunters will be searching for a key.
- Upon completing the entire Hunt they are awarded a special key that enables entry to the Luxury lounge.
- The Luxury lounge will hold an exclusive reward for those dedicated enough to complete the Hunt.
Posted by Keys to the VIP Gridwide Hunt at 5:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: Designers, Fashion, Gridwide Hunt, hunt, Keys to the vip, SecondLife, SL, Treasure Hunt